We get thoughts every day, every moment, every second. And it is probably one in a thousand that really catch our attention. Sometimes taking a moment to catch up with those aha moments and those crazy realizations we have is important. We take the time to regroup, refocus, and recenter. We come across a bump in the road because we make that choice to take a pause and see how far we have come; to see if we are where we want to be, and maybe to also see who we are as a person. It may be difficult to find that time to take a break or a pause, or even a moment of your day because you feel tired. But when we do, oh fuk, it is amazing. We feel a sense of relief because we have taken that time for ourselves to let go of what has been bothering us.
One thing, in these past weeks that has caught me by surprise was my desperation for answers. To understand what was going on, to know where I was heading, or even to understand my past. However, with all these questions, even if things had already happened, I was still going on and on as if it were a loophole of some sort. It made me feel dizzy. But, when I got to that point, I told myself: Okay, it is time to take a step back, breathe, and ask yourself, what is really bothering you? What I had come to realize was the importance of being true and honest with yourself. The other crazy realization I had was the simplicity of happiness comes through living your questions, rather than chasing the answers. The moment we allow answers to just come to us, that is when we truly begin to live. We stop being afraid of what may or may not happen, and we start to fuking live. The hard thing though is separating yourself from all the external sh*t that may be blocking our view of who we truly are. So, I am going back to the main thing of my blog, to invite you to take that time for yourself and become your best friend and ally. No one knows you better than you know yourself if you become truly honest with yourself.
So, stop being afraid of being you. Be all of you and love every fuking part of your being, because you are amazing just the way you are, and you have to believe it. It is up to you to do the work to become the best version of yourself because no one will do it for you.