I know I have written about loneliness in the past, but this article will be different. So my opening question is: are we connected, or are we lonelier than ever? I ask this question because of the social media we desire to be addicted to and have allowed ourselves to be drawn into this fantasy world where we question friendships, relationships and even ourselves. As a teenager, I will just say it; this quarantine has f*ked us up in many ways. By this, I mean that we have been forced to be alone even with the advances in technology that have allowed us to be continuously connected to people worldwide. But don’t you ever feel as if, even if we have friends, even if we have amazing people surrounding us, we are simply left in this draining sorrow of loneliness? I know it sounds harsh up until now, and I apologize for that. It has been challenging, and I just think it has to be said or written down.
Unfortunately, we face breakups, whether in a relationship or a friendship and have gotten our feelings shattered by the simple fact that we don’t know who is and isn’t there. We will be alone for as long as we live, and the people that come into our life are messengers, guides, or teachers. I say this because any person that comes into our life leaves us something, and we have to be thankful for it. However, being constantly connected on socials has made us question many things and have made us feel left out in more than one way. We still think that we need to fill up that void by adding more sh*t into our lives by making ourselves have those negative thoughts that we overthink for hours and even make us cry ourselves to sleep. I know that friendships are unique, and relationships as well, and I am so utterly grateful for them. I just feel at times, when I am alone, not being with the people we want to be with 24/7 has made us not understand how to be alone. So we stay connected on social media, scrolling for hours, wasting our time to distract our minds that we probably won’t have that person every hour of the day, every day of the week. But something we have to learn is to be alone and be with ourselves because a person will not always be there. They have their things, and we have to understand that. So I suggest at least for one day to be disconnected and connect with yourself instead.