The most challenging life lessons are what allow you to be humbled. I realized that when we grow up being handed everything on a silver platter, we start living life assuming that we will be given everything without working so hard. However, what if we were to live life without getting anything? Would we think that we have to work hard to get it? Or would we assume that we were not deserving of getting what everybody else had around us?
I realized that growing up; I was privileged to have been given everything I got and still am. However, what changed was when I faced a situation that made me work harder than usual to get what I felt I needed to live the life I had been living previously. And at the beginning of this process, I would not appreciate what I was getting (for myself), which made me feel like the things I was getting were worthless and without meaning. After realizing that, I became more aware of how I wanted to live. Knowing that I won’t always get everything I ask for is okay, and knowing that I had to work harder to get what I needed with an added reward which would be what I wanted, was going to be what I would have to face. But through this process, I felt we don't appreciate things as much when they are simply given to us, just like that. If we work for something and know what we have done to get what we want, we are more appreciative of whatever we have. And when we are more grateful, I feel humbled and understand that things don’t just appear out of the blue or with a magic wand. Even though we would much prefer that.
Sometimes we get to this point if we are left with nothing and start working our way up. For instance, this past year has been a heck of an awakening and awareness leap for me. Moving to a new country alone and not having that support system I had back home, it felt as though I was starting from scratch. But the beauty of starting from scratch, as hard as it is, is that you can decide whatever path you want. Now, I don’t mean to say it is easy, but it is being able to appreciate the growth and everything that you have gone through, remembering where you came from and where you are now.