When we speak about relationships, we tend to limit them to love interests and partners rather than every type of relationship we come across. However, we have foreseen this idea that every type of relationship has its dynamics, but beyond that, it is with each individual that we interact with that we have a different way of being. Now, this sense of being with others has a common denominator which is ourselves and who we are. But I think the main thing about a relationship or dynamic with someone else is how much importance or how much we invest for that bond to nourish. But as I was talking with a friend, they mentioned how a relationship is only an idea until the dynamic with someone else is reciprocated; it is only then that we can call a relationship a relationship. I think that the first thing we expect to be reciprocated is not necessarily love, fulfillment, or the exchange of things and moments, but trust. That trust starts from the first interaction we have, by limiting or not how much we share of ourselves - thoughts, behaviours or vulnerability. The trust, however, can be blinded by the expectations we place on others in the hope that the way we behave is reciprocated to a certain extent.
I can say for myself that the thing that I found difficulty in was this idea of questioning how much we share and to who. Better yet, how much can I trust someone else with what I share with them? But as I was walking the other day, I was talking with myself, thinking about how the first person we have to trust is ourselves. This idea of trusting ourselves is rooted in how much we believe that what we are doing is the best thing for us and will help us better our sense of ourselves (at least that is what we believe). But for that to occur, I realized that we must surrender to this fixation of wanting to control every outcome which can be done by simply allowing ourselves to trust the process. I bet you have heard that countless times, but the thing that we have to do with that saying is to take it a step further by saying “Trust the process but be aware of the signs that are handed to you”. By giving ourselves this chance of simply being aware and using our senses, we can then be better guided without necessarily relying constantly on those around us. I am not saying that it is that easy, but I am saying that we can start by becoming more aware. I can say for myself that it is not very easy to do such when it comes to relationships, because we expect there to be that reciprocated response, especially in the exchange of their being with ours. However, I do have to say that when I stepped out of a relationship, there were all the signs as to why certain things occurred, but I was blinded by trust without wanting to see the signs.
So, If there is one thing that I can take away from this newly found realization of trust, is to become more aware of the things that are around you if you want to make decisions without being bombarded with illusions or expectations. Start trusting yourself by believing that you are given the signs and that you can see them without needing to wait for it to be too late. So, I ask you, do you trust yourself enough to be guided to what is best for you? Do you trust that you become aware enough of your surroundings?