What is the ideal body type? For guys, is it the athletic, tanned, has abs, charming smile, eye-catching eyes? For girls, is it the typical bikini body, tanned, gorgeous hair, slim waist, thick thighs? When did the way you look start to matter?
Why is it that we are never okay with ourselves?
The way that we look is nothing compared to who we truly are. Every person is different. Their body is not what makes them different; it is their personality. That perfect body that the victoria model has, or the ideal body the Brooks Brothers or Calvin Klein models have.
First off, why do you compare yourself? You are unique, and if you want to get to that ‘perfect’ or ‘ ideal’ body, there are ways. But it takes time, just like everything.
And most importantly, you need to accept yourself for who you are. Because by the end of the day, the person that will be with you will not care about how you look, but your attitude and your personality traits that make you unique. When are we going to stop seeing each other as a pretty or ugly face? As a hot or fat gal? We are worlds, waiting to be seen and ready to give a part of ourselves to others. Don’t see people as cute smiles and hit abs, but as a brilliant mind waiting to be visited.
For the girls:
Every girl, woman, lady, goddess, is beautiful. You are amazing. You have unique features that will make you stand out. Whether it’s your curves, your gorgeous eyes, your blessing personality, it may be hard sometimes just to look in the mirror and see your flaws, but that is what makes you who you are. You may have those b*tchy days where you just can’t stand anybody and want to have that bucket of ice cream and cry. But that is okay, you are human, and you have feelings.
It’s a shitty ride. You will want to give up on trying to love yourself and put on those baggy clothes so no one sees you because you’re ashamed and embarrassed by how you look, and you feel like no one will love you because you aren’t ‘that girl.’ It will get better. And you need to know that the person that will always be there will be you, so you need to accept those flaws and accept who you are. And if you want to change something, change it. Only you can do that; nobody else can.
One question, do you want to fit in and be like everybody else? Or do you want to fit out and be different from that ‘ordinary person’?
For the guys:
It is tough to be a man and talk about body image. Somehow, society excludes us from all the pressure that the beauty standards put on people. It is time to change that. Men are also full of expectations from other people, and it can be hard for some to feel comfortable with their bodies because of this. It is a perception of ourselves that is not as important. Male body image is a new topic, but I would like to clear out that this is because people are finally starting to talk about it.
A guy, like any human, comes in many sizes, colours, and forms. We do not all have those perfect abs and muscular backs, and it’s ok. You shouldn’t feel less, even if you are or aren’t as skinny or muscular as others perceive and expect you to be. We are not perfect, and there is no such thing as an ideal body. It is ok to feel shitty somedays and wanting to change every single aspect of yourself, but it is terrible to stay in those thoughts. Sure! You can work on your summer body, but you don’t NEED to. It’s important to learn to feel comfortable with ourselves. At the same time, to recognize that body image can also affect us emotionally.
P.S.: the worst critique and bully is us because we want to be something we are not. Constantly comparing ourselves, thinking that we aren't pretty or handsome enough, or even hot enough. Sadly, sometimes the media just controls our self-esteem, and that sucks. But trust me, it reaches the point where it is simply tiresome af and you just start accepting yourself. But why do you want to wait until then?