Women and men are not guilty, but both are to blame when blaming each other.
The other day I was talking with a friend, and he was telling me a story about a time one of his friends got his drink ruffied at a club by a woman. I was surprised when he told me this because not many people have spoken up that men and women go through similar things, like getting drugged, abused, or even doing things that make them feel uncomfortable without asking for consent. It goes both ways, but society has given more importance to women because they have started to speak up.
What is happening nowadays is the roles of each gender are changing or evolving. Some guys want to fight the toxic masculinity, and others show more of a vulnerable and sensitive side. On the other hand, girls act more authoritarian, more dominant, and some are even acting in a more aggressive and vulgar way. It is not wrong in any way, but women have been acting like a victim for several years now and do not accept nor admit their responsibility in this whole situation. You may be thinking that I am exaggerating, but it is true. Women have become victims in society because they do not accept their role that has affected men. Furthermore, people within society are starting to act up towards the stereotypes that have been placed, and some remain the same.
I have considered both male and female points of view, and I’ve concluded that not many people consider the male’s perspective and version. It has become a very delicate subject because of society’s stereotypes and biases that it is hard to believe what is true and what isn’t. Additionally, we are starting to question our morals since we ask what is right and what isn’t. It has become so confusing, at least for me, to understand what people want because it is so controversial. I mean that no one can agree, so not only do we question the ones around us, but also ourselves.
In other words, the outcome of people’s reactions is usually pre-biases and judgements that society has placed. For example, in a workplace or school, men have four different roles: the man that puts enormous pressure on themselves to feel empowered; the man that is afraid of failure; the man that is afraid of being vulnerable and find it difficult when building connections; and the man that looks for constant affirmations if what he is doing is okay (this is an example of the stereotypes men have been given). Nonetheless, when I started looking up a male’s perspective in society online, the only things that appeared were how a guy is violent, how they can become more empowered in the feminist environment, and how they could change. But have you ever wondered why the male’s perspective is not considered when asking how one could change to improve an environment where both men and women are involved?