Have we lost the ability to have conversations? Have we been absorbed into a world of fakeness? Are machines replacing social interaction?
The other day I had gone for a walk with a friend of mine, her mother, and my mom. We sat down at this beautiful restaurant and have a coffee. We were updating each other on the trips we had. While we were sitting for two hours, talking, having mild discussions, and enjoying the view of people walking past us. My friend, who is younger than I am, was always on her phone, barely spoke, and the mother was scrolling through her phone. My mom and I exchanged looks and immediately knew what we were thinking: Can’t there be a conversation without using a cellphone, or even having the cellphone on the table?
It got me thinking. I was raised in a household where we were disrespectful if we were using the phone at the table or any other device. So, have manners been lost? But not only that, older generations, let’s say in their 20s, also do the same. It is as if our stupid devices have allowed us to lose human interaction or even a simple conversation without a barrier, such as a device blocking the flow of words. Beyond being present in adults' company, do teenagers still talk when they are with their friends or are they always scrolling through their phone? - whether it be Tik Tok, Instagram, or Snapchat.
We spend so much time on socials that we don’t even know what is real and what isn’t. Unfortunately, I am worried that the younger generations will face several challenges because of what I have seen; they are losing social skills. A conversation is the basis of a relationship. It is sad to see so many people sitting at a table in a perfect scenario that can be enjoyed. Still, it is overtaken by devices that take us to the reality that somebody else is living.
Are cellphones taking away our ability to have natural human skills? Do we depend on devices to give us topics to talk about, even though it gives us nothing?
Not only that, I can’t justify it because I do it as well, but we say that we are socializing when most of the time we are only scrolling through Tik Tok or Instagram, wasting our time. So, my question is, how on earth will we get back to getting those abilities to have conversations without a phone insight?
I challenge you to go out without a cellphone and count how many people are using it when sitting at a table with other people beside them.