Okay, let me just tell you that when you reach that level of confidence. You feel empowered and, damn you just feel hot af. You start accepting your flaws and you just start loving yourself, and honestly, you just feel happy.
I think the best example you can give of loving yourself, is as if you would be in a relationship and you just start loving that person for who they are, you accept their flaws and you let the stupid things they do just fly by. So consider loving yourself, a sort of relationship with yourself. Cause you can have those thick thighs, that allows you to shake that bum or that belly pouch that will eventually go away. But if you don’t start facing the fact and accepting how you are (in general), then it will be even harder for somebody else to love you. Cause as RuPaul says: If you don’t love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?
I tell you, it’s hard, I know. But by the end of the day, everything that you have, it’s like a road map of your own story. Whether it’s the memories, that scar you have, or even that broken heart. At some point, you will have to stop depending on how other people see you and think about you because those are just words. They may be hurtful words, but it’s up to you if you want to believe them or not.
By the way, the way you see yourself, or how attractive you find yourself...people find you 20 times more attractive; and that honey is just the beginning.
And yes, society fuking sucks sometimes. But are you going to live by the labels people give you? As easy as you can call someone beautiful, pretty, handsome, or gorgeous, you can be calling yourself that. There are those downer days, but then again why do you want to be sad? Why do you want to be the person everybody wants you to be? Why can’t you just be yourself?
Society and people, in general, will constantly judge you and put labels on you. But if they do that always and call you different names, what can you end up actually believing? I mean, either way, people tend to remember the negative things, but if you start believing the number of positive things people say to you as much as you do the negative, then OH MY GOD, you would feel like a god or a goddess.