We are so afraid of the unknown that most of the time, we just want to stay in the same position with the expectation that things remain the same. However, we can’t always want to be in the same position because we wouldn’t grow. Even if we wanted to, we wouldn’t be able to because we constantly change our surroundings. And this is mostly because we aren’t in control, and that may be why we get so frustrated or feel the urge to be in this intense and impulsive feeling where we want to force things to happen, so they turn out the way we want them to. However, the moment we realize that things happen to us for a reason is when we start living without the need to control everything. It allows us to trust the outcome and that we will be okay with whatever happens. But the moment we start feeling the need to control, question, change or even be something that we aren’t, even though we consciously believe that we are ourselves, our subconscious knows that we are just being fake. We aren’t being true to ourselves when we force things to happen. We aren’t being true to ourselves when we plan things and create expectations for situations that haven’t happened yet. But the part where we get lost is when we make illusions of situations when we are fully aware that it is beyond our control of it truly happening. And I have concluded that illusions are a way to escape reality and the things we are going through by making ourselves believe that things can be better. Regardless of wanting something to be better, we also create this feeling of being in denial of our reality. And being in denial of our reality is just a way of not accepting who we are and where we are now. And I feel like the moment we can accept our reality and live the way we are now, it is only then that we can decide where we want to go.
For instance, this week was fuking crazy (in a good way). The number of new things that happened and the many firsts I experienced created this feeling where I felt more excited about the unknown than afraid of it. Just being able to live with a feeling of wanting to try things and go with the flow without the need to control things felt freeing and liberating. It is hard to explain. But I feel like the moment we decide to surrender to the unknown and trust whatever might happen to us is the moment we start to live the life we are meant to live. The moment we just remove expectations and stop planning every step of the way to reach our goal, we start to embrace the journey and the path we are on.
And it is this part of my journey where I am finally learning to trust myself and live day by day. It is at this point that I can smile and be happy with where I am now. Because it is as though I can finally trust myself with how I react to situations that occur and know that I can get through anything even if it may be hard. Because remembering our strength and knowing that we are still alive is more than enough to know that we can get through anything. Because just a reminder, we lived through a pandemic, we lived through broken relationships and self-doubt and questioning the things around us, just for us to find out more about who we are. But I think that it is only when we are in acceptance and in gratitude that whatever happens is for a reason; it is either a joyful memory or a life lesson that helps you grow more than you can imagine.
So, I invite you to live day by day and smile whenever you can just by thinking of how far you’ve come. And be grateful for the things you have now and for having what you need. Remember, you are here for a reason, and even if it may be hard at times, just know that we are all in this together and that whatever happens, you will get through it.