This past year has been a roller coaster - of emotions, experiences, and people I have met. I have seen myself grow and become more of the person I know I am. However, I realized, talking with my mom this past week: It’s harder to embrace your authentic version of who you are than the fake version you created.
When those words came out of my mouth, I was like: fuk! It is incredible how we can lose ourselves with these versions we create to adapt to the different situations we face. I am not talking about split personality or any personality disorder, just that we transform to adjust to a situation, thinking it will help us deal with it better. For instance, how we act with our friends or the person we become while working our shift. We are not different people; we just adjust our personalities and character. But we sometimes get lost in all these fluctuations and lose who we are. Sometimes the best thing to do to find yourself again is to spend some time alone. And as I wrote an article about the fear of doing nothing, it is doing nothing that we allow ourselves to start doing something to find what we truly want to do. But as hard as it can be to discover who you truly are, it can be even more challenging to accept that you are not being or living the way you want to live. It is facing our fears and problems, accepting what we don’t like even if we believe we do, or maybe just letting go of something that doesn’t belong to us anymore that allows us to be a step closer to who we are meant to be…
So, I invite you to become your best friend and allow yourself to be completely honest and genuine about what you want and believe. And even if it takes time, it lets you embrace your uniqueness and gain confidence in your authenticity. It is also accepting that it may not happen from one day to the next, but it is the little or baby steps we take to get to wherever we are meant to be.