It’s funny, isn’t it? How such a year went by so quickly. Literally, in a blink of an eye, even though so much has happened. I mean since the beginning of the new decade. So let us do a recap of everything that happened to honestly pat ourselves on the back for still being here and have in our hearts those that we have lost.
January, well Donald Trump was declared an impeachment, and Brexit finally happened. Australia was caught on fire, destroying the country. During this bust in the butt, COVID-19 was arising in China, and no one knew about it.
February, Trump acquitted himself, Kobe and his daughter, and seven others who passed away in a helicopter crash. The COVID-19 term spread as fast as the disease itself.
March, the world went into a complete hysteria about the disease because a guy ate a bat, and the whole world was in a global pandemic that has lasted until, well, now.
April, many people didn’t respect the lockdown as spring breakers decided to go around beaches and party at hot-spots, causing the disease to spread even quicker. They were creating chaos in the streets, demanding their freedom. However, social distancing was now a term many knew and started taking action towards it.
May, protests, protests, and more protests. From the start of the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, then Breonna Tayor and George Floyd’s death, both dreadful and appalling deaths that will live in our memories forever. The deaths, however, led many to protest against the mistreatment of black citizens. People were called out, businesses were destroyed, and hell was let loose on this place we call earth. More people were passing away due to the virus, but governments had started opening up the countries once again.
June, protests continued, and many more countries united in this fight for BLM, such as the UK, Germany, and South Korea. The demonstrations were being taken to another level by destroying statues of slave traders and confederate figures. On the other hand, is Trump rallying as if there was no virus around Tulsa, Oklahoma, and a few other places. Earthquakes and locusts hit Puerto Ricos invaded the Middle-East. Karens and Kens started getting more attention for their non-sense offensive behaviour. Lastly, in June, another wave of the virus was announced.
July, Russia was accused of putting bounties on US troops and the British found records of them paying extremist groups to kill British Troops. Elon Musk and NASA sent two men into space. Jeffrey Epstein’s partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, was accused of sex-trafficking charges and has been arrested.
August, an explosion hit Beruit in Lebanon, and it destroyed the city, leaving many people injured and dead. Biden was chosen as Democratic presidential candidate and Kamala as Democratic VP candidate. Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman passes away due to colon cancer. Crazy and deadly wildfires all over California and Washington state. The death toll of the virus exceeds 700,000. Largest Belarusian political march in their history after the presidential election of Alexander Lukashenko. Israel and UAE normalize relations, and the third Israel-Arab peace deal was made.
September, Supreme Court Justice Judge, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, dies, leaving a mark in history for being the second-ever woman in the high court. The number of COVID-19 cases reaches 30 million globally. ICIJ release documents describing suspicious transactions valued at $2 trillion USD that happened from 1999 to 2017.
October, Trump declares positive for COVID-19. NASA confirms the existence of molecular water on the sunlit side of the Moon. At least 140 migrants drowned off the coast of Senegal and were considered the deadliest shipwreck of 2020. An Aegean Sea earthquake hit Turkey and Greece, killing over 80 people.
November, Joe Biden becomes president-elect of the US, with Kamala as the first woman in the VP position. Moldovan presidential election. The US exits the Paris Agreement on climate change. There was an Indian farmer’s protest, which was apart of an ongoing movement.
December, the COVID-19 vaccine is released. The European Union agrees to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 50% over the next years. The number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase.
So, in a recap of 2020, it is to say that we have gone through a lot, and we have to be grateful and proud of ourselves that we are still here. And, just a suggestion, enjoy and take advantage of the time you have and find things to do, be productive and be conscious that you are not alone, because many have gone through a lot this year. And this is our moment to be there for others as much as we have been there for ourselves.
Khatun, N. (2020). Complete Recap of 2020 So Far Is So Painful to Read, 22 Words [online]. Available from: https://twentytwowords.com/complete-recap-of-2020-so-far-is-so-painful-to-read/ [Consulted December 27, 2020]
Salo, J. (2020). 2020 events so far: Yep, these major world events all happened this year, NY Post [online]. Available from: https://nypost.com/list/major-2020-events/ [Consulted December 27, 2020]