As I looked at myself in the mirror one day and into another one the following day, I saw some differences and started questioning, as per usual. When I glanced, I realized that I looked disproportionate and started to see the distinctions between some mirrors and others. And, the thing with mirrors is funny because if it isn’t symmetrical in one axis, it can make you look like a completely different person. With that being said, why do we depend on how we look when we look at ourselves in the mirror if we don’t always look like the exact reflection or the mirror image of how we look? The following question I had was if we have ever known what we look like if we have only ever seen ourselves through mirrors (which can be asymmetrical) and through other people’s eyes?
It made me curious to know if we will ever really understand what we look like, even if we know what we look like through mirrors and pictures. If we cannot see our true selves, why do we depend on our looks so much? Why is it that our body and how our clothes fit can make us feel great or terrible? It is the two extremes that surprise me, even for me, that I have gone through that just like everybody else. And if we didn’t have mirrors, would we even care how we looked? I know, many questions, and yes, you probably have the answers, but I like to keep it out in the open to play around with my response or to hear other people’s responses.
Nonetheless, I should go back to the article’s gist of the effect mirrors have on our lives and how we can shift our thoughts and perspectives to not depend on how we look. Mirrors can benefit us by helping us look put together, and they can also help us as a guide on how we look physically if we stick to one mirror. To add, lighting is also a significant factor in the way we look, just to have that in mind. The moment this week when I realized I had two mirrors, one in front and another in the back and looked side to side and looked completely different, I had the option of choosing whether I wanted to feel ugly or pretty as to what I felt leaving my room. The choice we make and the perspective we have determine our emotions and the shift we have for the next minutes, hours, or days. And by being able to focus on one glance when we feel confident and good about ourselves, and not the clown-like distorted mirrors that we see in arcades and amusement parks that make us feel insecure about how we look, will be the trigger point of the image we make of ourselves. This image is the detrimental result of our behaviour.
So, do you want to depend on a mirror to know if you look fabulous?