I have been meaning to understand the concept of oneness for quite some time. I think we try to become this version of ourselves to feel accomplished and as though we are fulfilling a purpose of some sort, which we might as well be doing. However, we have so many versions of ourselves that we have yet to meet and some which may not be the ones we want to be at a certain time. This constant seeking of being the best version of yourself pushes you to understand who you are and who you want to be. But it is also understanding that just like the relationships around you, some versions of yourself are there to teach you a lesson.
I recently went through an aha moment, where I stepped back from my toxic and negative overthinking process and told myself that I didn’t want to think that way anymore. This led me to realize that this was merely a version of myself that I had become comfortable with and had allowed myself to create a strong bond with. But, at times, even with yourself, you have to establish boundaries and detach yourself from a version that you have created that has allowed you to remain in this comfort by creating limiting thoughts and comforting actions to then feel unaccomplished and create a victimizing cycle.
But some of those thoughts that I would have because I would compare myself with others to find this understanding of where I stand and if I was on the right track. I would compare what I have accomplished and what I have learned with others. And it is a vicious cycle because it is so comforting to feel like you have excuses to not do things or to just lay in bed and bring yourself down. But why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we want to feel like we are less of something or someone because we do not feel equal? But this concept of oneness is this idea of understanding how we are not more or less than someone or something else, but we are just there. We choose if we want to learn or experience certain things, but by understanding also that everyone else is doing just that. Where we find ourselves being one with someone else, but also allowing this sense of individuality. And how we can give but also receive and how that is a never-ending cycle. But because we become fixated on wanting to be someone else or a version of ourselves, and creating expectations of how we should be, limits us to embracing who we already are. This sensation of feeling like you have to constantly seek for answers when it is within your limits to become authentic. It is not about isolating yourself from everyone or surrounding yourself with thousands of people, but by finding a balance of how you can be yourself and feel like you are one with others and not all alone or just another person. Sometimes you go to either of those extremes or both, to seek what feels best for you or to find yourself; and sometimes we have to do that to allow ourselves to get that understanding. However, either extreme allows us to understand the different points of view, which enhances our knowledge of who we are and allows us to know who we want to be.
We can constantly be seeking where we fit in, where we should be or who we should become, but it is finding that sense of self in whatever scenario and understanding that you can be one with others as well as being one with yourself. What led me to question this concept and understand it was by asking who I am. So, I ask you, who are you? How do you describe yourself when you are alone and when you are surrounded by people? Can you be the same version of yourself with both, by remaining authentic to yourself?