We are in this pursuit of happiness, maybe satisfaction, but we are in a constant search for it. Why do we seek happiness and satisfaction externally? We have established this notion of happiness being present only when something is achieved. We may seek to be rewarded in a materialistic or physical manner and that is how we define the accomplishment of happiness or even success. But this emptiness is within us that we feel the need to find a way to fill up a gap temporarily until we are finally capable of achieving internal happiness. But this sense of internal satisfaction can be found through self-discovery, or even on a deeper level which is self-love. But why do we avoid having that personal pursuit? Why are we deceived by this notion of being able to get what others have and have the same result? We fixate so much on trying to be in this category so we fit in. But why do we pressure ourselves to fit in? Can it be that we relate success by comparing who we are with others, and by feeling that we will only be happy or satisfied once we achieve or reach that success? If that is the case, then we are going to be in this endless loophole of unhappiness and dissatisfaction.
I can say for myself that I was comparing myself too much with those around me for some time, trying to understand the why's of being in certain situations and wanting to know the how's of achieving what others had. Don’t get me wrong, comparison is a great sense of motivation, but why do we pressure ourselves so much to try and be something that we are not? I found myself being curious about how we can be able to find self-satisfaction, and I came to this ironic conclusion. It is the simplest thing, and that is why I think it is the hardest. I think that the secret is to just be. I mean, why pursue something already present? When we create this idea that we have to pursue something, it subconsciously creates this idea that we are lacking it. So, I found out that there is this state of what I guess you can call serenity or even simplicity. It is where we are at peace with whatever occurs, knowing that we will experience it regardless, yet we are capable of reacting in the best way for ourselves. We find a sense of peace in who we are and find love around us because we are complete with what we already have. It is a constant sense of satisfaction, which in itself can lead to a state of happiness. Regardless of feeling negative emotions, we are at peace with knowing that those too will go, and we will be able to process it naturally without having to force anything more than we have to.
So, I invite you to find this sense of simplicity and serenity within yourself by just being. Be satisfied with what you have and find love with your surroundings, knowing that whether it is more or less that you will obtain, it is enough and that your reactions to things merely reflect your state of being.