Have you ever taken anything personally and stopped talking with that person? Have you ever felt someone acts a certain way one day, and the next, they’re entirely different? Have you ever felt offended by the way someone treats you?
Well, if you said yes to any of the previous questions, it is because you probably take things personally. Why do you take it personally? When you do get offended by the way one acts or talks to you, have you ever asked yourself what the other person is going through? Because you have probably done the same to somebody else. However, taking things personally is not selfish; it isn't! It is merely a reaction to how somebody else has treated us. We can react or respond differently next time somebody says something that may offend us. We can start changing our perspective on how we see things, and we can begin by empathizing with those people. We don’t know what happens in their home, or what has happened recently. Something may have triggered that person’s reaction to have wanted to take their aggressivity out on you. As I already said in a previous post, we have to stop judging, period!
I will share something that happened to me recently, and it may have happened to you as well… One of my closest friends stopped talking to me out of the blue, and I didn’t know why. I didn’t want to reach out to them because, if not, I would seem insistent or forceful. However, I worried about what might have happened, so I swallowed my pride, and I called. When we started talking, that person started telling me what happened. I had no idea, and I felt selfish for only thinking that my problems were more important. At that moment, I realized that everybody has their issues. It is up to you to put your problems aside for a second, be their shoulder to cry on, and be there for them. So, call that person you haven’t talked to, or send them a message and put yourself in their shoes for a change.