Don’t you ever feel that when you finally love yourself, people want to bring you down for some reason? Who knows if it is jealousy or if it is for us to feel insecure again.
Earlier this week, I watched this video where a girl talked about when she used to feel insecure but then started loving herself. People began to hate the love she was finally giving herself to feel more secure and confident. I related to what she was feeling with what she said or asked afterward: “what is it that others want us to feel?” When we feel insecure, we hurt and sabotage ourselves, even if some may say that they want to see us with more self-love. However, there are other people that when we do love ourselves, or at least try to because we used to feel so insecure, start making critical comments and castigate us in some way.
So when I say relate, I mean that when I was insecure and did not fully love who I was, I would fake it till I would make it. Still, I would feel like people only hung out with me because they felt bad about me feeling or being the way I was, even if that meant being around toxic people. But now that I am finding ways to love myself and feel more confident with who I am, people seem to make more comments than usual about my appearance in a somewhat critical way or give looks.
It is as if it’s a double-edged sword: not loving yourself and people feel bad for you, and that is why they hang out with you or loving yourself and people not wanting to see you be happy with who you are or who you are becoming - your authentic self.
In my opinion, we should not feel ashamed for loving ourselves because going back to how I used to feel about myself was not my favourite. If there are people who don’t want to see you happy and finding that self-love, then honestly, they aren’t worth it—one of the most important things is your environment and what and who surrounds you. So keep in mind that the love you have for yourself is the most important, and the people who will bring joy and love to your life are the most important external factors. So own it and bring the zazazu that is within you!