This week I challenged myself to meditate for an hour with no guidance and focus on my thoughts, which allowed me to realize how we view our surroundings. I don’t always silence my thoughts when I meditate, but I will enable them to appear because that is one of the ways that I have been able to face certain obstacles and challenges I have experienced.
Nevertheless, as I was meditating, I started to question why some of us find it hard to trust people most of the time. I concluded that we don’t always trust people because we don’t trust ourselves. We don’t trust ourselves because we are not aware of what we are capable of, and that is where the practice of self-awareness comes in. Self-awareness is being conscious of who you are, knowing your values and morals, and being mindful of what can happen if a particular situation arises and how we may react to them.
After talking with a friend about this, I realized that we could become aware of who we are or get an idea by looking at the people we surround ourselves with. The friendships and relationships we have are merely based on the similarities among themselves and the bond that it connects. By writing down what we like about our relationships or what makes us have a bond, we can realize what values and characteristics we may have as well.
The more we are aware of who we are, the more we are capable of trusting ourselves, and the more we will be able to do what is best for us, as we are conscious of our actions and trusting of the outcome.
So, I invite you to become aware of who you are and what you can do by questioning - your thoughts and actions. The more we can see who we are, the more we can become fearless of the unknown, which will allow us to do things with a feeling of relief and freedom. Embrace the unknown and embrace who you are by questioning what is best for you; it is one way to begin to follow your instinct and that gut feeling you get when making a decision. I also realized that trusting yourself helps you enjoy life a bit more, so give it a shot.