Big changes are coming, and with a pandemic, certainty is not our best ally. I am now a High School graduate who will soon go off to university, but several factors have been brought up that have made me question future events. I had planned for quite some time to go abroad and live on campus, but I need to get the vaccine, and at the moment, where I live, they are vaccinating people by age. Other factors are costs, quarantining, and the place where I will end up living. So, right now, uncertainty can be called my new bestie. But I have realized that with the pandemic that we have all been living with, uncertainty has been amongst all of us and has made us question our decisions and our future, which is not always the best scenario if you are like me and you like to have plans and lists…
However, this pandemic has also helped me adapt to that uncertainty and become more of a spontaneous planner, and allow things to flow. It may not be the best in every case, but it allows me not to stress about every little thing and let things go. On the other hand, I will be bluntly honest. I will say that it is a pain in the a** not knowing what it is that you will do next, or if the classes will be online or in-person, to see if you will meet people of your university or if it will be like this past year, where we have interacted with others online. Everything is up in the air, and it all feels so chaotic. Nonetheless, as I said, even if things are uncertain right now, everything is meant to align itself at its own time, and all of this, whether we want to see it or not, is happening for a reason. Some people may think that it isn’t for the best, and others might, but we have to squeeze out the rest of the juice of the lemon to take advantage of the situation.
We are questioning everything, and we have the opportunity to ask different questions and have a different perspective of this skepticism. We have the opportunity to change the way we see things and start to focus on what we can do now - what is certain - instead of having that constant ambiguity of the future. And, we got this, we will get through this. Times may be tough now, but this is just another bump on the road.