This past week, I realized a few things about myself and about others. I concluded that we are constantly seeking to be happy as well as satisfied. Let me explain. Our end goal is to feel happy and be at peace with ourselves, at least for most of us. Yet, we constantly search for things that we don’t have, and we assume we need them to be happy. Why is that? To be honest, I don’t know, and I cannot answer, because it varies between each person on what they consider happiness to be.
I will give an example of our physique. Both men and women tend to be so focused on what they would rather have. When I say rather, I mean that we want something other than what we already have. In this case, it can be that we want to look skinnier, gain a bit more weight, tone up, bulk up, slim down; the list can go on. All of these things vary amongst people. I concluded that there could not be an ideal body type or physique that we want to obtain, but more so to look like something we are not to be socially accepted in this fuk’d up society.
We have been seeking a type of validation, whether it be from ourselves or someone else, or maybe we simply want to be seen. It is as if we have accepted that the way to be happy is to have more when in reality it isn’t. Maybe we don’t need more, but less. Less judgement towards ourselves and more acceptance of how we are. Less validation of others and believing more in ourselves. Less doubt and saying that we are enough. Because, in reality, we are. We are enough, and if we want to get more, but for what reason? Why are we not okay with what we have? What prejudices and biases have we been drawn to believe that this is what we need to have to feel that we are enough?
As my cousin told me: we are surrounded by so many opinions and need to put them aside and see for ourselves if we believe if that is accurate or not. So, I invite you, as always, to create your own opinions, and if they are the same as others, that is completely fine. But see yourself as you are and not as others want you to be. And remember that the moment we say that we are enough is when we will be happy and fulfilled with what we have.